Monday Master Blog: Now VS Later

The only time you can change anything is Now.

The problem with people who tolerate mediocrity in their lives is that they never immediately implement good ideas for taking action. The only thing you can do to make an impact on your life and the lives of others is action. You first look at what is what, what we can do now that makes the difference.


If you start looking at how time really works, you will find that the past is dead. No one can go back to the past. If you look to the future, you can very easily postpone things to later. The reptilian brain postpones the past, causing us to get stuck in it, and looks for reasons and excuses to move things to later and never tackle it now.


Example: 'yes after Christmas I will start eating healthy and exercising' but after Christmas the New Year starts, and then you have a wedding and then another holiday, etc. This is a safe excuse not to have to take action.


All that's left is now.

Now is not the “right” time for most people to take decisive action. Realizing that 'now' is the only moment when you can take action, if you don't do it now, you have to do it in a future moment of now. That reptilian brain that keeps coming in between will ensure that it is always postponed.


'I have to make a decision (about anything) but not yet, because...
First ABC has to get in order and then I will make a decision.'


But what you often see is that when ABC has been solved, there are new things that are not yet in order, so that decision can never be made.


What I also hear a lot around me is:


'Now everything is chaotic, there is a lot coming our way, we are stressed, I feel unrest and this affects the people themselves and the people around them.'


But there is such a thing as we need time to get everything in order and then we have peace. USA, Now come from peace, now come from overview and now come from strength. That is also something people postpone for later.


Something always has to happen before they can do anything.

And the only thing going on in their heads is 'one day I will have peace, one day I will have an overview, one day I will have everything in order'. They can also take action on this now, but it is precisely because they postpone it to later that it keeps coming back.


An important point is that you have to live in the here and now. If you live from fear of the future, for example, or if you keep bringing back things from the past, it is very difficult to change anything in the now and you will never make any progress.


You don't have to like it, you just have to do it.

You make a commitment, you do what you have to do, until you achieve it. Things have to happen to achieve what you want to achieve or at least to live the life you have in mind.


Are you willing to do what is necessary to make a change NOW?

No: forget the subject
Yes: take action NOW and don't procrastinate.


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Lisa Traas
Enforce Master Trainer