Monday Master Blog: Pain is difficult, but what do I do about it?

“I have been struggling with physical complaints for a long time, it drives me crazy”
“I can't come and exercise because I suffer from…”
“I experience physical complaints, I should not act and just carry on”

Do you recognize one of these statements? Then this blog is undoubtedly for you.

Pain is difficult, we understand that. It makes us despondent, uncomfortable, weak, and in a broad sense it mainly creates negative emotions. But no matter how much these emotions weigh, ask yourself “does this have to be this way?” The answer to this question is undoubtedly “no”.

Pain & damage

Pain is a protective mechanism of our body with which the body protects itself. It helps detect threats and minimize or prevent damage.
Pain is divided into acute pain & chronic pain.

With acute pain we talk about pain that arises suddenly and goes away quickly (period shorter than 3 months).
With chronic pain, the pain does not develop suddenly, it is present for a longer period of time and is more difficult to treat. There is also a bi-directional relationship with stress. The more stress, the more pain you experience & the more pain you experience, the more stress.

It is also important to distinguish between 'damage' and 'pain'. You can have damage without pain, but you can also have pain without damage. (e.g. put your hand under hot water, you withdraw due to the pain experience but there is no damage)

How do I get started with this?

– Find out with your coach (possibly in consultation with a physiotherapist) what the cause of the complaints is (e.g. incorrect movement pattern, overload of a certain muscle chain, under recovery, etc.)
– Get enough consistent sleep (preferably 8 hours) to promote recovery.
– Eliminate as many of the stressors you experience throughout the day as possible.
– Try to deal with the pain as little as possible. Thinking about the pain only increases the experience of the problem.
– Focus on the smallest steps forward you make regardless of whether the pain is still there or not (e.g. I experience the pain after 5 minutes of walking -> I experience the pain after 30 minutes of walking).

Start working on this consistently and see the focus of the pain decrease & your control increase drastically.

Gianni Van Dooren
Enforce Master Trainer

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