Monday Master Blog: Exercise and healthy eating during the holidays

How do I deal with it if I am doing well with exercise and healthy eating, but I am going on holiday?

Many people have reached the point they have been training for all this time. The summer.
They want to look good on the beach. But is that actually the real reason?

Fortunately, many people discover that it is not just about that, but about feeling good about themselves, being happy and healthy. Yet many people have difficulty with thoughts and actions during the holiday period.

There are plenty of healthier choices. Do I choose a meal with fries and sauce, or do I choose a meal with vegetables. Do I take alcohol with my food every evening, or alternate it with water. There are certain choices you can make to maintain that balance. If you are full from eating, stop, or if you notice that you need to eat something, do so.

This also applies to exercise/sports on holiday.
Someone who really enjoys and enjoys exercising on holiday will also do this. But someone who likes not to exercise for a while on vacation is also okay. You do not immediately deteriorate after 1 week of not exercising. Maybe your body needs some rest and you will pick it up again as soon as you get back home. If you listen honestly and sincerely to your body, do what feels good for your holiday. Get out and walk, instead of taking a taxi. Just enjoy.

There is always a conscious voice that tries to maintain the balance:
– Would I like some ice cream now? Or do I want it because it happens to be there, but you can do without it?
– Would I like yogurt with fruit? Or do I want to order pizza because you are on vacation?

If you do not impose any restrictions on your 'normal' lifestyle at home, such as eating a pizza, then this is no different on holiday.
This way you are more likely to just order the yogurt with the fruit because you like it and you don't have the feeling that it is now or never when ordering that pizza.

So simple and complicated at the same time. When you are clear about why you do what you do and have put happiness first, it is no longer an issue on holiday. You would just be exposed to good food more frequently on holiday than at home. It's about balance, not letting go completely, but enjoying it completely.

I'm going to give you one tip.
There are 365 days in a year, of which you will go on holiday for 7 to 14 days this holiday.

So enjoy your holiday and don't feel guilty about compensating or imposing restrictions on yourself. You don't ruin something immediately after 1 holiday. And once again you don't have to let go of all the brakes and eat or drink yourself completely full, but make sure that you are not just constantly working on your calories during your holiday, but also enjoy your holiday.

When you return from the holiday, you pick up where you left off and pick up your exercise, sleep, diet, etc.

Lisa Traas
Enforce Master Trainer

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