Monday Master Blog: Exercise makes you happy. This is what happens in your body.

During and immediately after exercise, neurotransmitters such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin are released in your body. These substances make you feel happy and, if all goes well, also make you want to exercise more often.

Endorphins are released by the pituitary gland located in the core of your brain. You can see endorphins as a natural drug, they relieve pain and any discomfort, not only during and after exercise, but also if you have other pain. They are even produced in pregnant women weeks before giving birth to ease the delivery itself. Another good example of endorphins is the so-called 'runner's high', a state that runners describe as a period in which you no longer feel aches or fatigue, you just keep running, feeling good and in a flow. Endorphins also play a role in other areas. For example, people who go to the casino get a wave of endorphins through their brains when they win a game, causing them to experience a feeling of bliss. The danger here is that this feeling can also be addictive.
The endorphins make you feel euphoric, light and yet powerful. This body's own drug gives you a feeling of well-being and tranquility.

Not only endorphins, but also dopamine is a stimulant that increases during exercise. This substance will also increase during other activities such as eating or sex. Dopamine is also linked to the reward of a certain behavior. Your body doesn't always produce dopamine. It is released when you do things that your brain believes should be rewarded, including exercising. The release of dopamine floods you with a feeling of well-being and makes you want to repeat the behavior that creates this feeling.

Serotonin is also a substance that makes us feel happy. It also regulates your appetite, sleep and mood. If you exercise regularly, the serotonin in your body will increase. You then feel motivated to continue. In combination with endorphins, it ensures that you also enjoy exercising.

Neurotransmitters are released in your body after twenty to thirty minutes of exercise. In the case of sports, this is usually positive because the good feeling you get makes you want to start exercising again and thus build up a good condition. In other cases, such as gambling or eating, you have to be careful because this blissful feeling can turn into addictive behavior.

Björn Aertssen
Enforce Master Trainer

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