Monday Master Blog: Too little sleep results in more muscle loss and less fat loss

By following an energy-rich diet, getting enough protein and training hard, your muscles will grow. Simply put, muscle grows when it builds more protein (protein synthesis) than it breaks down (protein degradation). If protein synthesis (build-up) is reduced and breakdown remains the same, the increase in muscle mass is slowed down. Simple, right?

Less sleep does not mean that you will lose more or less weight compared to 8.5 hours of sleep. However, you do lose 60% more muscle mass and 55% less fat mass than if you sleep for 8.5 hours. In other words, the muscles disappear and the insulating layer remains. This way, your body switches to a mode with less fat burning if you sleep too little. Instead, more protein is burned instead.

When you sleep less, your body eventually starts looking for more energy. Hunger hormones and the associated feeling of appetite play a stronger role. So you sleep less, exercise less, want to eat more, lose less fat and build less muscle mass...

In short, do you want to lose fat, build muscle or a combination of both? Then make sure you get enough sleep! Avoid blue light and distractions before bedtime, keep the climate pleasant and use blackout curtains to make it as dark as possible. Stop postponing your goals, go to bed on time, get enough sleep and get more results faster.

Rick Berkhout
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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