Time for a healthy dessert: warm peach with homemade vanilla curd (399 kcal)


– 2 oranges
– 1 vanilla pod
– 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
– 2 peaches
– 30 grams of hazelnuts, unroasted and unsalted
– 4 dates, without pits


Scrub 1 orange clean and thinly grate the orange peel. Squeeze the oranges.

Cut open the vanilla pod and scrape out the black seeds with a knife.

In a saucepan, mix the orange juice with ½ tablespoon of orange zest and the vanilla marrow. Let this mixture boil over very low heat for about 10 minutes until it becomes syrupy. Let the mixture cool and mix it with the cottage cheese.

Preheat the oven to 175 °C.

Halve the peaches and peel off the peel with a pointed knife. Remove the pit. Place the peaches in the oven dish with the cavity facing up and pour some water on the bottom.
Finely chop the hazelnuts with the dates and ½ tablespoon of orange peel. Divide this mixture into 4 equal portions and roll into balls.

Push a nut ball into the cavity of each peach and press slightly. Cover the peaches loosely with aluminum foil. Place the ramekins in the oven and bake the peaches for 20-25 minutes.

Fill bowls with vanilla curd and place 2 peaches in each bowl.

– Kcal: 399
– Protein: 15g
– Carbohydrates: 57g
– Fat: 12g
– Dietary fiber: 8g

This recipe was made possible by FitChef  

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