Author: admin

Sunday soundbite: Use pressure to grow

  Food for thought, valuable and impactful podcasts, brutally honest reinforcement on Sundays! Today podcast #99 is about the pressure you create yourself. Are you also inspired...

Your health is even more important now

Artsen, wetenschappers en bestuurders van gezondheidsorganisaties vragen momenteel meer aandacht voor het belang van een gezonde leefstijl in coronatijd. Door bijvoorbeeld gezonder te eten, meer te bewegen en voldoende...

Monday Master Blog: Nature or nurture

Evolution or devolution? Man has evolved over the past millions of years and we tend to think that this is just an evolution, an improvement, as far as the truth is concerned...

Sunday sound bite: I am the cause of things

Food for thought, valuable and impactful podcasts, brutally honest reinforcement on Sundays! Today podcast #98 is about the things that need to happen before something happens. Ben...