Monday Master Blog: Are you true to your body?

I was recently a guest at a wedding. We were present when 2 people gave each other the “yes word”. With this they promised to support each other in good and bad times and to help each other get back on their feet when things don't work out on their own or when things go wrong.
They told each other that only death separates them and nothing else.

Here I want to make a comparison with our own lives. Because have you told yourself that you will always take care of yourself? For better or worse. And that you have laid the foundation for this for yourself. Have you determined what a good relationship with your body entails? And what do you need when things go wrong?

We often hear that not enough thought has been given to this. We live our lives and are guided by the issues of the day and say that things “happen” to us. To be honest, I don't believe in this. Because most things do not happen to us, but we consciously or unconsciously choose them. However, we have not specifically determined what is needed, what we stand for, who we want to be and what our frameworks are for life. Of course you don't have choices about everything, because a serious illness, for example, can happen to anyone. But you have control over your attitude towards this disease and how you deal with it.

How much value would the vow have if you say to each other: I think you are very sweet and fun, but if something goes wrong you really have to solve it yourself because I find that too difficult. Or if things are not convenient for you, seek support from others. If these are the conditions for marriage, then I am almost certain that this is no one's business. Because we don't actually achieve anything with it.

I will take you back to the beginning of what we help customers with, your point A and point B. Go through the following questions for yourself:
Do you know specifically what your commitments are?
Do you still live this every day?
What are your statements/core values that you have identified?
Are these still the guiding principles in your life?

I don't know what your answers to these questions are, if they were out of focus, make them sharp!
If they were still sharp, keep them alive and make them even sharper! And write it down as if it were the vow you made to yourself. And as far as I'm concerned, sign it.

Talk to your Master Trainer about this and make everything clear again.

Good luck!

Marvin Casteelen
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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