Monday Master Blog: The key to FAST and guaranteed RESULTS

You know it, the phase in which you really want to change and have a goal in mind. Now we are looking for the key to fast and guaranteed results.

The offer in 2020, fast, easy and results
Nowadays there are a lot of sports concepts where you can get ready quickly and don't have to go to the gym often. In the middle class gym you can even be done within 20 or 30 minutes and only once or twice a week. There are also all kinds of high-tech electronic gadgets that can cause changes in your body. First of all, I want you to understand me correctly. I am not against anything, but there must be clarity in how you can achieve your goal and whether it is the right way.

You have a resolution to really start living a healthy lifestyle and really lose those extra pounds. Research by the ING economic bureau shows that of all those resolutions, most of them relapse after a week and 95% ultimately weighs the same or more than they weighed before. If you have spent most of your life with an unhealthy lifestyle, is it that easy and can you quickly turn it around?

The answer to that is yes and no.
Yes! Scientifically speaking, losing weight is very simple, you eat fewer calories than your body needs and you therefore consume more than you take in, your reserves (simply put, the excess kilos) are used as fuel.
No! Psychology, hormones and habits play a major role and as if a small child is screaming for a treat, we give it that sweet anyway. It is of course also possible that your body does not respond well to the food you consume due to years of neglect with (too much) unhealthy food. That is why it is wise that you often seek help from a suitable professional in the beginning.

Lose weight to feel fitter, but does less body weight automatically make you fitter?
If you look purely at a non-athlete, that would be the case in many cases. But you can be a bit overweight and fit or very slim and not fit: which of the 2 would be better? My answer is the first, the health benefits are often well known, more focus, endurance, all kinds of health benefits and in many cases better hormonal balance which is essential for your functioning. Yes, you read that right 'hormonal' an example for men are the so-called 'man boobs'. When your body is so out of balance, female hormones can take over and for most men this is something they do not want. Does this mean for women that when they start training, the male hormones will take over and they will soon look like a bodybuilder? No, don't worry about that because that won't happen, a woman just doesn't have that in her genes (except for that one top athlete who produces more testosterone).

Okay, I want to start training, 'what do I want to do' or 'what do I need'?
Today I see a trend in wanting quick results and although we always deny that, this is the case with almost everyone. Nowadays it is a busy, fast time and it should take as little time as possible. It is precisely because of this that we often make the wrong choices and we often opt for easy, time-saving options that provide comfort and which probably do not exactly suit you. This doesn't matter much to most gyms, as long as you register and they earn. My opinion is: “working towards your goal should take some time and should be regarded as a precious thing, it is and remains a personal journey”. This so that you learn to understand your body and what you can reap the benefits of forever. So don't look for what you would like to do, look for what or who you need.

The abundance of programs: the range and categories that would suit you
Budget fitness I will skip it immediately because there is virtually nothing to look for here and training without a program is just like driving a car without really knowing where you are actually driving. It will cost you petrol and time, but you will never arrive at your destination, unless of course you already know very well what you are doing and just need the material.

Mid-range fitnessThese are often gyms that offer guidance and are many times better than regular budget fitness. Here is someone who should often keep an eye on things and you can at least ask for more tips from them. A disadvantage is that there are often 1 or 2 supervisors for large groups and not enough attention can be paid to the individual. Ask yourself the following question to check whether you are at the right club: is your end goal and trajectory known to the instructor? Often your point B is not clear enough and you are driving with navigation from the year 1960, now let's hope whether those roads lead to your destination. The mid-range fitness is recommended for recreational users who want to maintain their level or a beginner who wants to get acquainted with training. How much progress you make here depends entirely on the gym itself and of course the amount of input from you!

High-end guidance or personal training is then the last station I want to deal with. You can assume that everything will be aligned with your goal with care and clear thought. Here your end point is more than clear and your progress should also be clearly measurable. The high-end guidance or personal training will not be suitable if you just want to do something without a clear goal, as if you were investing in a double truck just to do your weekly shopping. The high-end guidance or personal training is ideal for dedicated people who really want to achieve change and who seriously want to put their energy into it. In any case, you know that all the care and attention goes to you and your trainer will know who you are inside and out. Your goals and personal growth are taken very seriously here.

You're about to start! Here are 5 tips!
1. Make it clear to yourself what you want to achieve.
2. Be clear how important the goal is to you.
3. If you often experience the 'jo-jo effect' and have many ups and downs, you may be driving with navigation from 1960.
4. And especially important, get clear on how long it might take you to achieve your goal and realize that you will not have achieved your dream body within 2 weeks.
5. Yay! You have achieved your goal! Now we can eat out again and relax again like before! Unfortunately... it doesn't work that way, realize that that lifestyle has brought you to the point where you are now.

Quinten Aarts
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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