Monday Master Blog: Getting fit, how do you start?

First of all, commit yourself to the goal you want to achieve. Without a commitment it remains a wish, and you can wish whatever you want, but without an action you will remain where you are. Today you will receive a number of tips and tricks to get back on track or to continue on the right path. Please note, in addition to these sporting tips, nutrition and sleep are also very important.

1) No escape cards!
Motivation is everything, and only you know why you want to do it. This could be anything; general health, you want to participate in that one event, you want to lose some kilos, impress someone or win a bet. Whatever your personal intention is, that intention is your own stick behind the door. Everyone knows the escape cards; no time, it's cold outside, no gym nearby, etc. If you know why you are doing it, you will be less likely to make excuses. Moreover, you want to show character and put your word into action.

2) Consistency
If you give a houseplant five liters of water in one go, it will probably overflow. If you give the same plant a little water every day, the plant will gradually grow a lot better. Especially when you are starting out, it is important not to want to go from one to a hundred. It's great that there are programs that promise you a six-pack in 8 weeks, but in general that is not realistic. Moreover, a lot of effort is expected in a short time, which does not always suit your schedule. So start planning for yourself. Where, when, how often and for how long will you exercise? Let it slowly become a habit. Like the houseplant, give yourself 'a little water' regularly and you will grow without flooding. Don't just think “no pain = no gain” but above all “no train = no gain”.

3) Bodyweight exercise size
Do you have a busy week and can't make it to training? You always have your body with you so you can always train with it. Ask your master trainer if you can do an extra or replacement training at home. Go wild with the bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, sprawls, leg raises, squats, lunges, planking and of course burpees. This exercise, among others, allows you to achieve your goal in a fun and simple way. A yoga or sports mat is sufficient and with a small turning circle of space you can simply get started in the house, in the garden or in a park around the corner!

4) Today's inspiration & motivation
People sometimes forget the power of the small rituals. Become aware of your ingrained bad habits. You don't have time, but you can snooze for an hour or watch Netflix for two hours every evening? Try a little workout in the morning and experience how fit you can feel!

“What you do consistently, you eventually become”

Corneil van Schayik
Enforce Master Trainer

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