Monday Master Blog: Do you suffer from shoulder pain and can't imagine how it started?

Shoulder pain: one of the most common complaints. Shoulder dysfunction can significantly affect daily activities. But where does shoulder pain come from? Is something actually broken if I am in pain? What should I do?

Let's first start with the anatomy of the shoulder. The shoulder is formed by a number of important bones, namely the shoulder blade, the collarbone and the upper arm. These 3 bone pieces are held together by muscles, tendons, ligaments and capsules. It consists of a head and a socket that together form the shoulder joint. In and around this joint there are a number of important muscles that stabilize the shoulder girdle and also provide movement to the shoulder.

The shoulder is a complex part of the human body. It is very mobile, and is therefore less stable. The shoulder complex is also more mobile than other joints in the body. In contrast to, for example, the hip, which can also move in many directions, but is slightly less mobile but more stable compared to the shoulder.
Non-specific shoulder pain simply means shoulder pain that you cannot associate with any obvious damage done. The majority of shoulder patients suffer from this. Please note: this is not about an acute moment of onset with the same complaints!

In most cases there is a build-up to shoulder pain. Factors that may influence this include:
– Work factors: consider heavy lifting above shoulder height. But also working at the computer for a long time, or an unfavorable working posture
- Households
- Study
– Sports

In addition, the complaints can have multiple causes, these can also be unclear, but often the balance between load and resilience is disturbed and this causes the complaints. Capacity means the current physical and mental capacity, and load means the degree of strain you apply. In many cases, the complaints have started due to prolonged activity and repetitive movements, or a prolonged static position involving the arm/neck/shoulder.

What can you do yourself for non-specific shoulder pain?

It is especially important that you continue with your daily activities. Keeping moving is essential. In addition, it might be good to think about your own taxes and taxability. In many cases we don't even realize that we are applying too much tax. For example, if you notice that the pain in your shoulder increases after 2 hours at the computer, try taking a short break after 1 hour and perhaps gently moving your shoulder. In addition, it is good to be aware that something does not necessarily have to be 'broken' if you have pain in the shoulder.

Do you recognize yourself in the story? Then it might also be useful to visit the physiotherapist and explain your story, who can then investigate it further!

Yusuf Akbas
Enforce Master Trainer

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