Monday Master Blog: The ability to achieve these small goals

As a master trainer, I regularly see in the gym that my clients' behavior during training shows parallels with their behavior outside the gym. Take, for example, the way people approach nutrition, an aspect that has a direct impact on their health and overall well-being.

I remember a recent experience with a customer who set a goal to create a list of 10 products from which he would make better choices. After two weeks of procrastinating, I asked him about the pattern he recognized in himself. He honestly acknowledged that he found it more difficult to keep agreements with himself than agreements with others. He gave the example that he had been justifying postponing a visit to the dentist for a cavity filling for months.

“What would you gain if you didn't postpone this?” I asked him.

“Then I would have more peace because I do what I have to do and I don't have to think about it anymore,” he replied.

“And what would you gain from making that list of 10 products?” I asked further.

“Also more rest,” he replied, “and because I make better choices for daily products, my weight will decrease, I will have more energy, and I will appear much stronger because I keep my agreements with myself.”

Clearly, putting off these tasks is not just a matter of time management, but also of self-control and self-confidence. The ability to achieve these small goals can have a big impact on a person's overall well-being and self-esteem.

Take a moment to think about what tasks or responsibilities you might be putting off. So, what are you procrastinating?

Leoni Heemskerk
Enforce Master Trainer

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