Monday Master Blog: Are you currently choosing yourself?

I increasingly encounter people in the field who find it difficult to choose for themselves. These may be people who have doubts about their knowledge and/or skills or do not know which direction they would like to go. These people often have difficulty with their ambitions, suffer from peer pressure or have a negative self-image. What does choosing yourself mean?

Choosing yourself means being true to yourself. These can include choices such as scheduling rest moments in time, expressing your limits, or opting for a healthy lifestyle. But also choosing to end a friendship or leave your relationship because you feel that you cannot be yourself with that person.

What are your ambitions?

Take 1 minute and ask yourself: Are you satisfied with where you are now in terms of work, sports or health? Or do you have any ambitions that are still on hold?

First of all, ambitious people set themselves a clear goal. Moreover, they have to make an effort to achieve this goal. Ambitious people set the bar very high, so they work long and hard towards the goal with enthusiasm. So they have a very high motivation. An ambitious person does not like to sit still. They are always busy developing themselves, moving up or earning more. People with ambition are continuously looking for innovation. By taking new paths, they succeed in achieving certain goals: new target groups, gaps in the market or the renewal of a product. Although this entails risks, an ambitious person is focused on achieving success.

Peer pressure

Every group of people has its own rules. As a group you decide what you do and what you do not do. As a member of the group it is easier to do or not do things than when you are alone. You do this because you want to belong. Peer pressure can also take place via social media, such as WhatsApp or Instagram. Are you the one who goes along with this pressure or chooses his or her own path? In our work area we often notice this in the use of alcohol. We feel more obliged to join the group for a drink instead of drinking a glass of water. When you break such patterns, you will also be able to choose more for yourself and feel stronger.

Think positively about yourself

Be proud of yourself for who you are and where you stand. We see a lot of negativity in the present, so we increasingly see the ideal picture according to social media. We increasingly compare ourselves with others on Instagram or Facebook, but this may not be feasible for you. Therefore, be proud of who you are as a person and not of what someone else is. Positive thoughts help you achieve your goals and enjoy your life. It is not easy to conjure up mainly positive thoughts, especially when life is going against you.
More positive thoughts mean more success and happiness in your life. You feel better about yourself, experience more self-confidence and feel better about yourself.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Am I happy with where I am now?
2. Where do you want to be in the next two years, both privately and professionally?
3. Do you currently have the right people to pursue your ambitions?
4. Do you compliment yourself every day?
5. Where can you still work on yourself?

Do you experience that you are not yourself or that you cannot always be yourself? If you feel like you want to work on this, start a conversation and see what we can do for you. Get started towards the healthiest & vital version of yourself!

Richard Dekker
Enforce Master Trainer

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