Monday Master Blog: Show up!

I'd like to take a moment to reflect on something that has struck me lately and that I believe is important to be aware of: the importance of showing up. In our busy lives, there can be countless reasons why we sometimes cannot attend appointments, meetings or events. But let's face it, it's not so much the reason we're absent that matters most, but our commitment to the moments we choose to be present.

Our time and attention and that of others are precious. When we commit to something, it is not only a promise to others, but also to ourselves. It is a sign of respect and commitment to show up, even when things are difficult or when other things distract us. By showing up, we show our commitment, our responsibility and our respect for the people we make appointments with.
Making excuses can sometimes be tempting. We may think it's easier to make excuses than to be honest about our limitations or priorities. But in the end, it's not the excuses that define us, it's our actions. It is our presence that really makes a difference.

Showing up means more than just being physically present. It's about fully committing yourself to what is happening at that moment. It means putting your phone away, focusing your thoughts on the here and now, and really listening to what is being said. It means being present to the people around you, instead of being constantly distracted by everything that's happening online.

Being present in the moment with full attention is essential for our relationships, our performance and our well-being. If we are not fully present, we miss important information, signals and opportunities. We make superficial connections instead of deep relationships. We perform below our level because our thoughts are elsewhere.

Brutally honest... if you're not there, where are you anyway?

Björn Aertssen
Enforce Master Trainer


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