Monday Master Blog: Getting up again after falling

When we start something, we want it to be a success right away and failure is not an option. However, the reality is often different. We make the biggest plans to do things really differently tomorrow. However, this is not always visible in reality.
But before you give up and think that you can no longer achieve it, remember that failure does not have to be that bad. What is the best way to get up again after falling?

It is a fact that things can go wrong in our lives or that there are events that are less pleasant, big and small. We do not always manage to successfully complete something or achieve our goal.
When things go wrong or an unpleasant event occurs in your life, it is difficult to keep things in perspective.

Emotions are often involved, so you can also act from emotions.
The moment you want to quit, there is a whole process that precedes it, and you have influence on that. You influence your own thoughts. You can change thoughts by comparing things and putting things into a different perspective.

Many people do not dare to fail.
Only if you don't do this, you will never know what it is like and you will not be able to make improvements from it to keep moving one step forward in the right direction.
We forget that it is through these experiences that we can grow the most.

If things don't turn out as you had hoped, it is often seen as confirmation: 'see, this isn't going to work out after all.' Sometimes a failure doesn't have to be a failure. A new insight into the situation can provide better progress or insight, which will take you further. You learn from it, you apply something or you no longer do what went wrong, so you can try new things to get to your goal.

You can also try something again by believing in yourself. You don't always have to change something, but by believing in yourself and saying to yourself, for example, 'I can do this and I muster all my courage to continue', this can help you cherish those small victories after a misstep. and to be proud of yourself when it finally works.

We don't set goals because we can achieve them right away, otherwise everyone would have already achieved this and it wouldn't be a goal. No matter what you want to achieve, you will always encounter obstacles. If you allow it, you will see that this is not a bad thing, but that failure teaches you something. Everyone fails. It's about how you get back up after you fall. With how much resilience you try again, until you succeed.

Ultimately, it is how you deal with it and how well you control your own 'thoughts' and can convert them in a positive way and ultimately turn this into your strength.

My personal quote: You don't lose if you go down, you lose if you stay down.

To briefly explain this: There are so many things in life that we have to deal with or unpleasant things that happen, so sometimes you have a period where things don't go so well 'we're going down'. But the strength is to get up and 'not stay down', but to pick it up again and keep going.

I also do kickboxing myself and I also compare it to this. If I have a race and I go down, the race isn't done yet. I have 8 seconds to get up again. The only thing going on in your head is 'I don't want to lose', the only thing left to do is get up and keep going.

Lisa Traas
Enforce Master Trainer

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