Monday Master Blog: Raise the bar!

When is it good the way it is? Why are there so many (young) people with burnout complaints and how is this possible in an era where everything seems possible? According to marketers, digitalization has meant that young people have become smarter, stronger and more social and are labeled with names such as Generation Einstein or Google generation. They are also called performance generation.

Where children of parents who experienced the Second World War have learned that nothing is for nothing, where you have to work hard for every cent, but who have also grown up with "just act normal, then you are acting crazy enough", there the younger generation seems to be pursuing “The American Dream” more. Where previously parents could not always let everyone study with enough brain capacity, now - thanks to our fantastic scholarships - it is almost strange when someone does not go to study.

But if you haven't yet found your passion, you don't really know what you want to go for... Then at the age of 17 -18 -19 you suddenly have to decide what you want to study and therefore what your future will be. To study you really have to get certain grades.

The internet and pretty pictures dictate what you are supposed to look like, how you should behave and how you can get likes and followers. In this blog Clover you can read why we think it is so important to be “liked” and how our digitalization contributes to this.

But when does it end? When do you have enough likes and followers and have you studied enough?

I don't know you, but I can tell you that right now, right now, you have enough likes and followers and enough knowledge to do what you want to do.

There is only one way to ensure that you become the best at everything you do. That has to do with 3 things:

1) Putting all the knowledge you have acquired into action.
2) Stop pleasing and putting yourself first.
3) Present yourself as bigger than you currently are.

I'll explain it to you: taking in all the knowledge and doing nothing with it is a waste of investment. You only know if you don't have sufficient control over something when you do it. (Not suitable if you need a lot of ready knowledge) If you set yourself bigger, you will always strive to “be” that better person. In your social life, in your business life and in sports. Pleasing is only good if you do it when it actually gives you energy. And you can sometimes expect something in return, but in principle you always come first. Altruism is a beautiful thing, but just like in an airplane or first aid, there is only one person who must be brought to safety first... and that's you.

So how do you “raise” the bar? Don't be satisfied with mediocrity. Pursue a goal that your heart goes out to and really live that goal in the depth of your “being”. Don't please your boss just to be seen, just do the best work you can do. Be honest with yourself. If you have a good idea for this world, make a plan and put it into action. Of course you will encounter challenges. That makes you stronger and smarter. And in sports? Also make a plan and work towards your goal step by step.

You cannot achieve great results from your comfort zone. You achieve this with focus, a strong physical and ditto mindset, with balance. Enforce coaches you from A to better.

Petra Kerkhove
Enforce Franchisee & Master Trainer

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