Monday Master Blog: Exercise around menstruation

In recent weeks I have noticed that I find it interesting to delve deeper into women's menstruation. Isn't it really strange that we women know so little about our cycle? We should listen more to our cycle and live according to it. This way you retain more fluid during your period and you have less estrogen and progesterone in your body.

But a lot happens to your body even outside your period. In fact, your hormone balance is a little different every day. For example, you may feel less strong in the week before your period, which is caused by hormonal fluctuations in your body.

Exercise can reduce abdominal cramps and a painful lower back during your period. In addition, exercise increases your dopamine level, which can make you feel better after training. But above all, keep listening to your own body. If you really don't feel okay, skip a workout and be a little kind to yourself. There is no normal menstruation, it is different for every woman. So listen to your own body and trust it!

Noëlle Bekker
Enforce Master Trainer

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