Monday Master Blog: What keeps us from doing what we REALLY need to do/achieve?

In our society, a lot is expected of us (or this is what we believe) - the household, the children, targets at work, maintaining social contacts, playing sports, etc. We are inundated every day with tasks that come our way. and there is no end to it. Because of these aspects, there seems to be a scarcity of time or energy to do/achieve what is possibly most important to you. In this blog I will take you through some tips that can help you break this pattern and really enable you to achieve that one most important goal.

1. Identify what is REALLY important

To get through the day's tasks, we can work with to-do lists that are lengthy and have no clear hierarchy. These lists contain things that you 'must' tackle, but many more things that you 'can' do. If there is a lack of importance then you are likely to tackle more things you could do instead of things you should do.

– Being productive > being busy
– Filter your to-do list step by step until you have the most important task
– Say no to other things until you have completed the most important task

2. Multitasking leads to half-work

Let's do several tasks at the same time to use our time as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, this is not how it works, it just costs us more time and is detrimental to our productivity. Switching between tasks requires our brains to refocus and the chance of returning to the urgent task is limited. This interaction ultimately costs us more time than we realize.

– Don't stop until you have completed the most important task in terms of time and efficiency
– Multitasking further leads to bad choices, unnecessary stress, mistakes,…

3. Plan your task at the right time

Willpower is like a battery, at the beginning of the day we start with a full battery. Throughout the day we use up parts of that energy during complex tasks and we also recharge parts by taking rest breaks. E.g. After a busy day at work, we would rather collapse on the couch than do another activity or task.

– Plan your priority task when your willpower is highest
– Things that require a lot of willpower: filtering distractions, resisting temptations, suppressing emotions, doing something you don't like,

What's the one thing you really need to do right now?

Gianni Van Dooren
Enforce Master Trainer

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