Monday Master Blog: What are the consequences of long-term stress?

We need tension in life to function properly. When we experience too much tension for too long, we become stressed.

Situations in which we can experience stress are: at school, in traffic, the death of a loved one, a job application, being late, etc. The amount of stress can also depend on our personality. People who are perfectionistic, very performance-oriented, competitive, people who are very anxious or plan-oriented experience more stress than others.

Cortisol is also called the stress hormone. In response to an anxiety or stress stimulus, this hormone is produced in the adrenal glands. Adrenaline gives you an energy level boost so you can flee or fight. Cortisol ensures that this energy loss is compensated.

This was especially important in human development during prehistoric times. Man had to be constantly on the lookout for dangerous situations. The production of Adrenaline allowed people to take action more quickly: flee or fight.

In modern times, fight or flight is unnecessary in most situations. We cannot solve the situations mentioned above with this.
But what happens if we produce too much cortisol for too long?

1. You are chronically tired from constantly being “on”
2. You will sleep worse
3. You need more sugars
4. A decreased libido
5. Negative moods
6. Change in blood pressure
7. Suffer from stomach and intestinal complaints
8. …

In summary, cortisol is an important hormone in our lives, but we must ensure that our cortisol level drops in time so as not to experience physical and mental complaints.
Some tips to help you with this:

1. Take sufficient rest after a stressful situation. Take a day off after a deadline, go for a walk during your lunch break…
2. Get enough sleep, at least 8 hours a day
3. Eat healthy, enough vegetables and fruit
4. Watch your caffeine and alcohol consumption
5. Move, move, move. 3 to 5 times a week. When you exercise, dopamine and endorphins are released. These substances are known to break down cortisol.

If you experience negative stress, get started with these pillars if you are not already doing so. If you feel that more is needed than this, talk to a coach who may be able to help or refer you. Get started towards the healthiest & vital version of yourself!

Gianni Van Dooren
Enforce Master Trainer

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