Monday Master Blog: You are the average of the five people you spend most time with

The American guru Jim Rohn already said it: 'You are the average of the five people you spend most time with.' Who you interact with has an incredibly strong influence on your own behavior. Just think: If you hang out with a friend who regularly consumes alcohol, there is a good chance that you will always have one more drink with her than you are used to. If you regularly hang out with a gym freak, you will soon start thinking: “Maybe I should go to the gym more often”. These are obvious examples. How about enterprising types or someone who became a father or mother at a young age? Unconsciously or perhaps consciously, you adopt their norms and values. They are the yardstick by which you measure yourself.

If you live in the center where everyone is more likely to choose to spend the weekend on a terrace, then there is a good chance that you will do this too. If you work in an office where everyone wears makeup and heels, chances are you will do the same. Some will say “That adjustment happens automatically”: unconsciously and automatically, so that we do not notice it at all and cannot suppress it. The opposite is true. We still choose who we associate with, where we live and where we work.

Does this mean that friendships that make you perform a little less are wrong? Absolutely not! Behind every negative quality there is also a positive quality. The trick is to filter these and use them optimally.

Take some time to ask yourself the following questions:

#1: What do I want to achieve?
#2: What competencies am I missing?
#3: Who can help me with that?
#4: What environment stimulates me towards my goal?

Need help working through these questions? Please feel free to contact us!

Think long term, execute now.

Mitchell Baker
Enforce Master Trainer

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