Monday Master Blog: Are you doing what it takes to achieve your goal?

Setting goals is often very easy. Everyone wants everything: a nice house, a nice car, a good body, an expensive vacation, and so on. But are they also doing the actual things needed to achieve them?

To keep it within sports terms, we take the goal: losing weight. Many people have the goal of losing weight, but do they actually pay the price for it? And no, I'm not talking about money. Then I'm talking about what they do and don't do to achieve that goal.

We often see that people do not have much difficulty with 'exercising' once they have started. And especially not if they have an appointment for this in a small group or personal training. It is very easy to show up for training and do what the trainer says. The question then is: what do you do for the remaining 23 hours in a day or on the days that you do not exercise? What choices do you make? What choices do you make when there is no coach shouting in your ear? Can you resist all temptations to achieve your goal or do you have difficulty with this?

If you're having trouble with this, ask yourself how important your goal is to you. Because what if I were to take something very valuable from you? You would only get it back when you achieved your goal. What choices would you make to achieve your goal? Would you still find it difficult to give up that bag of chips? Most likely, you would only make strong and powerful choices and your goal would be achieved a lot faster. This is because the goal is important enough.

So make your goal concrete and important to yourself. See the real added value of your purpose in your life and make powerful choices even in the difficult moments. Do what it really takes to achieve your goal!

Do you find it difficult to pursue your goals or do you enjoy discussing your goals and making them concrete? Then schedule a coaching meeting with one of the coaches at your club.

Joren Wielart
Enforce Master Trainer

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