Monday Master Blog: How are your good intentions going?

Were you planning to exercise more this year? Want to eat healthier? Finally want to lose those excess pounds?

Or are you participating in Dry January?

There's a good chance that you'll be drinking a glass of alcohol or ordering delicious fries with mayo this coming weekend.

Or maybe you have already done this?

Do not panic!

That is very normal. We are all human and we all have the same kind of brain.
And that brain... sabotages us.


• One glass won't do any harm, right?
• You should be able to enjoy life, right?
• Do I actually want this?
• What am I actually doing it for?
• I'll never be able to keep this up, so I'd better stop now
• I'll start again next week
• …

Fill it out yourself…

Are you just doomed to failure?
Of course not 😊

10 tips to succeed this time:

1. Don't participate in good intentions, but create good habits.
2. Determine why you want to do something and what it would mean for you to change this habit(s). What does it get you? In the short and long term?
3. Create a feasible long-term plan. Exercise every day? Never eat carbohydrates again? Are you going to keep that up for the rest of your life?
4. Don't think in terms of “not allowed”. Our brain cannot register “not” and will only think extra about what “is not allowed”. Don't think about that pink elephant.
5. Know your pitfalls and prepare for them. A nice glass of wine with dinner? Look for another tasty alternative.
6. Tell everyone. You can be proud of this new lifestyle. Spread the word, the more likely you are to stick it out and inspire others at the same time.
7. Don't choose too many habits to change together. Suddenly going for a walk every day, exercising 3 times a week and eating completely clean? There's a good chance you won't be able to keep it all up. Changing too much at once will make you give up more quickly.
8. Look for like-minded people. When you surround yourself with people for whom your new habit is the “standard”, it will be easier to maintain this new habit.
9. Make bad habits less attractive. Do you really enjoy that hamburger that much? How do you sleep after drinking 3 glasses of wine? How are your energy levels when you are not exercising?
10. Be guided by a professional and provide a stick behind the door. Everyone needs a coach. Together you are stronger.

Could you also use help with this and do you finally want to create new habits that you will master for the rest of your life?

Then we are happy to help you!

Hanne De Wachter
Enforce Master Trainer 

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