Monday Master Blog: Prejudices about boxing?

That's okay, but let me prove you wrong. The average person doesn't understand what happens when they watch boxing. They think back to the schoolyard of the past when, for example, two children started fighting with each other. Or a fight they experienced on the street. They see 2 people who want to hurt each other. That's what a lot of people think when they watch boxing. But there is a big difference between fighting and boxing. Sure, there's aggression involved. But that's just a small part of the sport.

Behind every move or punch a boxer does, a boxer has a thought. It is not just hitting or ramming just to hit and hurt the other person. A boxer boxes with his full focus in the moment. A boxer uses his brain during the fight. You will notice that when you box, you can't think about anything other than boxing. A real reset of your brain. This means that you look at things differently and with fresh eyes after training.

In addition, boxing can help you become physically fit. Even if you learned to box without contact. All fitness factors are trained: coordination, flexibility, endurance, strength and speed.

All this makes boxing a very complete sport, which can make you feel very good both mentally and physically.

Rick de Nooijer
Enforce Master Trainer

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