Monday Master Blog: We can choose to do things differently

'If only I had finished school…'
'If only I had given my children more attention...'
'If only I had started exercising…'

Do you recognize yourself in one of the above statements? Then read on!

Your past experiences determine who you are today. Everyone has a past, everyone has their own story. You may have had difficult and unpleasant times in your past. For example, you may have lost a loved one or been bullied in the past. No matter how we deal with our past, it remains the past. It won't change the events. Your past has contributed to you as a person, that is who you are now.

By focusing on the past in a negative way and never taking action, you influence your future. I want to lose weight because I am overweight and this makes me feel insecure. As a result of your past and the negative feelings it brings, you may feel insecure, stressed and angry. It's easy to be dissatisfied with your past. We know everything better afterwards, we would have learned from the mistakes that were made. However, we can also choose to accept what we have experienced and appreciate it. Without the mistakes you make, you might never learn how to do it.

What we do have influence over is the present. You can make a difference in this. We can choose to do things differently. I am talking about changing your behavior (for example stopping addictive behavior), but also about learning to deal with emotions and thoughts. This allows you to develop a different vision about the choices you have made in the past, but also the choices you will make in the future. Base your choices on who you are now, not who you were then.

You create your life with the choices you make and decisions you make. Is sports not for you? Not if you decide to believe it is for you! Avoid becoming a victim of your past. Stay positive and dare to make mistakes. Making mistakes is the way to progress.

Yusuf Akbas
Enforce Master Trainer

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